Dolly 2025 Spring Subscription

Dolly 2025 Spring Subscription


There is nothing like Spring flowers! 2025 Spring subscriptions are here at Dolly are here! Dolly is located in the parking lot of Orthodontic Group 3003 41st in Moline. Spring is a tricky time and things never seem to bloom exactly when you want them to. With this subscription you’ll have to be a little flexible but it will contain 4 arrangements; a Daffodil, two Tulip arrangements and a Peony arrangement. They will be picked up at Dolly whenever they are in bloom. Usually mid April (Daffodils), mid/early May (Tulips) and late May/ early June (Peonies). Depending on what’s blooming the arrangements may have a mix of flowers but will primarily be made up of Daffodils, Tulips and then Peonies in a mason jar. How this will work is if things are looking like they will be in bloom and ready to be picked up that Saturday an email will go out on the Tuesday prior and a reminder email on that Friday. Saturday pick up runs from 7:30am-noon and the arrangements are placed in a special spot to be picked up at your leisure. Arrangements are not able to be transferred to a different day at this time and currently refunds are not offered so if you’re unable to pick up then you can gift it to a neighbor, friend, mother in law whatever works! If you’re unable to pick up and no one else is able to, I do bring any remaining arrangements to a local nursing home 😊 Please reach out to with any questions!

*No refunds are available 😊

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